Monday, February 28, 2011

St Bede Nerf Outing #2 Recap and Pictures!

Hey guys, Snake here,

What an amazing outing this past weekend! This was an amazing event with nearly 50 people total Nerfing at one time! First I'd like to extend a big thank you from all of us here at the Chicagoland Dart Tag League to the people of St. Bede Chicago, especially Mr. Guerin and Mrs. Edwards.

Without your help and assistance this event would not have happened. More recapping to come, but first PICTURES!!!

- Raising over $200 to benefit the Needy Family Fund of St. Bede Chicago
- Great to see yet more new faces and a great mix of boys and girls!
- Using the gym to its full potential this time with an excess of cover
- Capture the flag, Royal Rumble and many other gametypes
- Watching the boys vs the girls, and the girls winning both times!
- Seeing all 40 St. Bede participants vs the 8 CLDTS crew...Both side won once. Next time we'll settle it :)

If you have any questions on future outings, or would like to have the CLDTS come to your event please email me at


  1. Oh man! You guys had Transformers there! Awesome!

    Seriously though, thanks to all the administrators and students, it was really great of you to let us in!

  2. Awww.... I want a Transformer! I want BumbleBee. Had a great time despite the news that was broken to me there... Thanks for letting us in!
